The Torhaus KochKollektiv is a grassroots organisation of international food lovers and activists working together towards a more sustainable food system.


We aim for a more eco-friendly, local and healthy food production to fight climate change.

Our action mainly takes the form of collaborative events, such as workshops, cooking sessions, and internal gatherings—we believe in the power of food as a shared experience to create long-lasting bonds.

We are always welcoming new members or volunteers with a passion for food and a will for change!

A short introduction


The term ‘KüFA’ stands for ‘Küche Für Alle’ which can be translated to ‘Kitchen For All’! Once a month, we invite people to cook together, connect and share a meal, based on donations. The ingredients are mostly food-saved and plant-based.


We have an educational inclination. A central part of our public action consists in giving workshops on food-related topics and taking part in public discussions on the future of our food system.


We are not alone! As part of a network of great initiatives, our members have natural access to our partners and their activities. As a part of the Torhaus e.V., we are part of the urban practice around the Tempelhof Airport building.


The monthly team meeting is a base for us to organize our group, exchange ideas and plan our next events. The collective is a community, that we grow and care for by nourishing our relationships in various informal encounters.


The collective rests upon a few but strong values: joy of cooking, diversity, and hope for a better world. We are dreamers with impact.


We support like-minded initiatives by undertaking food preparation for their events. We cook on-site or in our own kitchens in order to provide a delicious vegan meal — helping them with service, and cleaning.

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